
Job advertisement for a new student assistant position at the project SCARCE

SCARCE is looking for a reliable and committed person to take on a variety of project-related tasks as a study assistant.


Celebrating the Physical Sciences and Embracing Diversity

The 6th AIP Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences

August 4–9, 2025 — Salvador, Brazil

Deadline for paper proposals:...


University Assistant PhD - History of Science

University of Vienna

Deadline for Application: November 15th 2024


PhD in the history of biological fieldwork and gender

Investigating the gender dimensions of biological fieldwork

Maastricht University

Deadline for application: October 31st 2024


4 Institute Vienna Circle (IVC - Wiener Kreis) Research-Fellowships

Deadline for Application: October 10th 2024



Forschungsverbund „Gesundheit in Gesellschaft“

Deadline für die Interessensbekundung: 30.9.2024


FWF Student Assistant Position

Faculty of Psychology, Sigmund Freud Private University


12 PhD Stellen im Graduiertenkolleg 2945 "Wissen – Glauben – Behaupten"

Wahrheitsproduktion und Wahrheitsdurchsetzung in der Vormoderne - Deadline für die Bewerbung 22.7.2024


Postdoctoral Scholars (Dept. III Working Group: "Metals and Minerals: Life from Soil")

Department “Artifacts, Action, Knowledge” led by Dagmar Schäfer, seeks to appoint Two Postdoctoral Scholars