Working Group History of Science (AG Wissenschaftsgeschichte)
The Group's research seminar serves as a regular venue for a community of Vienna-based researchers and invites international guests.
Several members of the FSP are involved in the publishing collective intercom – a leading scholar-led publisher in German-speaking Europe.
Household Account Books
A current focus of the Sammlung Frauennachlässe is on household accounts as sources for gender history, economic history, and history of economic thought.
Queer Vienna
Students and staff at the University of Vienna conduct supervised archival research at QWIEN Centre for Queer History Vienna and publish their findings in the international open-access journal Æther. [more]
Verwaltete Umwelt
The volume "Verwaltete Umwelt" (managed environments) explores the history of the environmental sciences in the 20th century – between state administrations, academic research, and grassroots activism. The history of the managed environment is a history on the meso level, i.e. a history of regions and infrastructures. The project is carried out in cooperation by Nils Güttler, Mareike Vennen (Landesarchiv Berlin) and Christian Reiß and will be published in the series "cache" from winter 2023/24.
Radical Health
This publication project will be published in the series "cache" and is based on contributions to the conference of the same name (2021), which was organized by: the Medical Anthropology Working Group (German Anthropological Association DGSKA), Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM), Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin.
This project examines the history of resource management to gain a new understanding of capitalist development models, technoscientific innovation and the emergence of modern sustainability thinking.
Units for the Anthropocene
What is the role of units and metrics in navigating the challenges of the Anthropocene? We cooperate with three international networks, and run an online-seminar on “Anthropocene History” (cf. the video documentation).
History of Bureaucratic Knowledge
This working group on administrative knowledge production (2017-2020) underpins some of the work carried out at the Key Research Area.
East European Epistemologies
Early Central European contributions to the sociology of knowledge helped to build our discipline – and keeps doing so as HPS CESEE, a lively cooperation with Prague and Erfurt aptly demonstrates.
The State Multiple II: Practices, Resources and Sites of Planning (2020)
Planning as a research perspective recasts the initial questions of the state in the light of maintenance and care. Our working group meets on a monthly basis to discuss texts and to organize workshops. It brings together scholars from different fields of study, such as the ethnography of accounting, the history of administration, economics and literature, environmental history of the Ottoman Empire and the history of bureaucratic knowledge. Current research interests converge in an emphasis on practices. This approach opens up new perspectives on idealized notions of bureaucracy, abstract numbering systems, risk calculation or environmental protection. In this manner we explore modes of environmental or multispecies planning. We aim not only at pointing out the tensions between the planned and not-planned, intended and unintended consequences of planning, but also the temporalities and moods that allow for coping with the inconsistencies of planning in the everyday [more].
The Viennese working group focusses on a history of social data in light of the new modes in which AI describes society.
Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaften
The working group for the comprehensive history of science (Arbeitsgruppe allgemeine Wissenschaftsgeschichte) is one of five working groups comprising the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Commission for History and Philosophy of Sciences (Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaften). [more]
Scientific Societies in Vienna (1800-1925)
Formed at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2019, this research group examines (popular) scientific societies in Vienna during the 19th century until the 1920s. Johannes Mattes and his team investigate the unusual size of these associations in Vienna, the scope of their contributions to science and the reliable role they played in society. It was only after the First World War that the tides turned and more radical thoughts were voiced. [more]
Benedictines, State Reform and the Church in Austria, 1720-40
The Pez correspondence for the years 1719 to 1763 is being edited and, simultaneously, the edition will be recast in digital form and merged with the digitized Pez papers and other materials in a virtual research environment. [more]
Social Sciences History
The group convenes at the Institute of Advanced Studies Vienna. With a broad scope on sociology as well as economics, the research platform connects historians of science with social scientists interested in the history of their respective disciplines. [more]
Reassembling the Republic of Letters 1500-1800
The project provides a digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe`s intellectual history. Thomas Wallnig is active member. It is funded as IS1310 - COST-Action -- European Cooperation in Science and Technology. [more]