Der 15. HOPOS – History of Philosophy of Science Kongress in Wien Veranstaltet von: Martin Kusch, Georg Schiemer, Friedrich Stadler and Elisabeth Nemeth
Datum: 9. bis 12. Juli 2024 –
- The Fifteenth Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science will be held at the University of Vienna - Department of Philosophy, "New Institute Building" (Neues Institutsgebäude, NIG) from July 09-12, 2024.
- The conference is organized and hosted by University of Vienna - Department of Philosophy. Main sponsors and supporters of HOPOS2024 are The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, Department of Philosophy, Institute Vienna Circle, and the Vienna Circle -Society for the Advancement of the Scientific World Conception.
- For further information please contact the organizing-team at the University of Vienna:
- Plan to participate, please click here: plan to participate