Univ.-Prof. Sarah Davies BSc, MSc, PhD
Sarah Davies is Professor for Technosciences, Materiality, and Digital Cultures at the Department of Science and Technology, University of Vienna since February 2020.
Davies has a BSc in Biochemistry (1998), a MSc in Science Communication (2003), and a PhD in Social Studies of Science (2007), all from Imperial College London. Since then she has worked at Durham University (UK), Arizona State University (USA), Copenhagen University (Denmark), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), as well as taking up guest professorships in Germany, New Zealand, and Austria. She is on the editorial boards of the journals Science, Technology, and Human Values and Science Communication, and acts as an advisor to multiple international research projects and centres.
Davies studies the intersections between science and society – how society defines the conditions of scientific research, and how science is present in wider society. The ‘red thread’ of the digital and digitisation runs throughout.
Her books include Hackerspaces (2017) and Science Communication: Culture, Identity, and Citizenship (2016). Alongside her longstanding interests in the place of science and science communication in democratic society, her
current work studies the digital as material practice in diverse sites where technoscience is created and negotiated.
Research areas
- Amateur science, including hacking and making
- The conditions of contemporary academia
- Digitisation within science
- Science communication and public engagement with research
Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2022 Großer Festsaal der Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien
17:00 Uhr
Christa Schnabl
(Vizerektorin für Studium und Lehre)
Einleitende Worte
Hajo Boomgaarden
(Dekan der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften)
Sarah Davies
Knowing through Digital Practices:Or, How to be an Academic
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kleinen Empfang in den Kleinen Festaal.
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