Colloquium Humanities of Nature

Colloquium Humanities of Nature

Online Colloquium September – December 2023

Contacts: Ina Heumann ( & Angela Strauß (

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Meeting-ID: 916 4253 0745

Kenncode: 419027


Wednesdays, 1-2 pm (CET)

Collecting Minerals, Extracting the Earth.

Political Dimensions of Geoscience


Sep., 27th «Can you pull Blood from a Stone?»

Niamh Schmittke, EARTH artist, Berlin and London


Oct., 4th Entirely new and very old Water:

Elemental Shifts in the Atacama Mining Desert’s relations

with the Pacific, the Andes, and Chile

Andrea Westermann, University of Konstanz


Oct., 11th Catalogues, Collections, Communication:

Between Mineralogical Knowledge and Appropriation

Marianne Klemun, University of Vienna


Nov., 8th Decolonising Manchester’s Minerals

and the Ripples of Sector Change

David Gelsthorpe, Manchester Museum


Nov., 15th On the Mineralogy Collections of the École des Mines de Paris: From the Extraction to the Exhibition «Collectible Minerals»

Maddalena Napolitani, Museo Galileo


Nov., 22nd Minerals, Knowledge Production, and Colonial Legacies

Carrie Robbins and Selby Hearth, Bryn Mawr College


Nov., 29th Extractivist Conservation

Linda Poppe, Survial International, and Tahani Nadim, Humanities of Nature


Dec., 6th Rock, Paper, Scissors:

Managing Mineral ‘Treasures' in 18th-Century Germany

Sebastian Felten, University of Vienna






Online Colloquium September – December 2023

Contacts: Ina Heumann ( & Angela Strauß (

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Meeting-ID: 916 4253 0745

Kenncode: 419027

Wednesdays, 1-2 pm (CET)
Collecting Minerals, Extracting the Earth.
Political Dimensions of Geoscience


  • Sep., 27th  «Can you pull Blood from a Stone?»
    Niamh Schmittke, EARTH artist, Berlin and London
  • Oct., 4th  Entirely new and very old Water:Elemental Shifts in the Atacama Mining Desert’s relations with the Pacific, the Andes, and Chile
    Andrea Westermann, University of Konstanz
  •  Oct., 11th Catalogues, Collections, Communication:Between Mineralogical Knowledge and Appropriation Marianne Klemun, University of Vienna
  •  Nov., 8th  Decolonising Manchester’s Minerals and the Ripples of Sector Change
    David Gelsthorpe, Manchester Museum
  •  Nov., 15th On the Mineralogy Collections of the École des Mines de Paris: From the Extraction to the Exhibition «Collectible Minerals»
    Maddalena Napolitani, Museo Galileo
  •  Nov., 22nd Minerals, Knowledge Production, and Colonial Legacies
    Carrie Robbins and Selby Hearth, Bryn Mawr College
  • Nov., 29th  Extractivist Conservation
    Linda Poppe, Survial International, and Tahani Nadim, Humanities of Nature
  •  Dec., 6th Rock, Paper, Scissors:
    Managing Mineral ‘Treasures' in 18th-Century Germany
    Sebastian Felten, University of Vienna