Dialogues about rights of nature, indigenous communities and property rights

Colloquium of the Working Group History of Science

Presentation by María Valeria Berros

University of Vienna

11:30-13:00 Seminarraum 15, Kolingasse 14-16, OG01

Based mostly on the Latin American experience, the talk proposes some dialogues between the recognition of rights of nature, the indigenous communities’ perspectives related to the topic as well as some key elements of land property rights. To do so, it will apply a socio-legal perspective by analyzing regulatory texts at national and local level including constitutions, laws and regulations related to the issues of nature´s rights and private law as well as relevant court rulings on contentious cases related to them.

María Valeria Berros is a Professor at Universidad Nacional del Litoral and a CONICET Researcher (Argentina), as well as the Principal Investigator in the Speak4Natureproject.

Investigadora CONICET: https://www.conicet.gov.ar/ 

Profesora FCJS-UNL:  https://www.fcjs.unl.edu.ar/ci/ 

Principal Investigator Speak4Nature: https://www.speak4nature.eu/ 

Co-presidenta Academia Joven Argentina: academiajoven.ar/