International symposium Alchemical Laboratories

International symposium "Alchemical Laboratories. Practices, texts, material relics",

in Vienna and Oberstockstall


The subject of this international conference is to reflect on Early Modern alchemical laboratory practices, as reflected in textual as well as material evidence.


The three-day scientific workshop will include two excursions, to the Coin Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and the archaeological site of the alchemical laboratory of Oberstockstall.





"Alchemical Laboratories. Practices, texts, material relics!"

The subject of this international conference is to reflect on Early Modern alchemical laboratory practices, as reflected in textual as well as material evidence. 

The three-day scientific workshop will include two excursions, to the Coin Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and the archaeological site of the alchemical laboratory of Oberstockstall.

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