Upcoming Events

14.11.2024 14:30

SCARCE Colloquium

Talk by András Vadas

University of Vienna

Hybrid event

10.11.2024 10:00

Futures of the Anthropocene: Historicizing Human-Environment Interactions

Roundtable organised by Claire Sabel and Sebastian Felten

History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Mérida, Mexico

18.10.2024 09:30

Methodenworkshop mit Andrea Westermann

Wissenschaftsgeschichte Universität Wien


SCARCE Colloquium

Speakers: Vera Keller and Wenrui Zhao

University of Vienna

Hybrid event

16.10.2024 16:15

The Political Consequences of Economic Development: Albert O. Hirschman and the Virtues of Reformism

Michele Alacevich (University of Bologona)

IE Talk

University of Vienna

07.10.2024 16:15

Extraction: The Frontiers of Green Capitalism

Thea Riofrancos (Providence College)

IE Talk

University of Vienna

01.10.2024 11:30

Colloquium of the Working Group History of Science

Presentation by María Valeria Berros

University of Vienna


Higher Seminar in the History of Science and Ideas

Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University

09.07.2024 00:00

15. HOPOS – History of Philosophy of Science Kongress in Wien

Veranstaltet von: Martin Kusch, Georg Schiemer, Friedrich Stadler and Elisabeth Nemeth

Datum: 9. bis 12. Juli 2024 – hopos2024.univie.ac.at/...


Internationale Konferenz: "Paul Feyerabend and Austrian Philosophy His Formative Years in Postwar Vienna"


Ort: Campus der Universität Wien, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien, Hof 1

Datum: 5. und 6. Juli 2024



28.06.2024 12:00

Technikgeschichte über Mittag

„Technikgeschichte als Zukunftsfach – offener Austausch mit und für Studierende(n)“ - Online Informationsveranstaltung der Gesellschaft für...

26.06.2024 13:00

Before Resources: Managing Mineral "Treasures" in Early Modern Central Europe

Presentation by Sebastian Felten

Colloquium Humanities of Nature (online)

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin