Upcoming Events

20.06.2024 15:00

Metals as Poison and Remedy in Early Modern Central Europe A Research Report

Presentation by Sarah Seinitzer

History of Science and Knowledge Doctoral Colloquium


13.06.2024 15:00

AG Wissenschaftsgeschichte = Kolloquium zur Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte

13.06.2024: Janina Kehr (KSA / Vienna): Medical Humanities and Planetary Health

15:00-16:30, Universität Wien (Seminarraum 8, Kolingasse 14-16, OG01)...

11.06.2024 17:00

WISO Abendskolloquium

"Marching with the Times: Chronopolitics and Quantification in 1960s Ghana" - Presentation by Gerardo Serra

10.06.2024 09:00

ÖAW Symposium: Transformation der Gesellschaft in der Krise

Zwischen „Normal“ und „verrückt“ - Spannungsfellder einer erodierenden Differenz


Workshop "Sciences, Ideologies, and Religions in 20th Century Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe Research"

6-7 June 2024, Athens/Greece


The Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens, Greece), the Faculty of...


Vortrag Brooke Peneloza Patzak: "The World as We Know It: Sclater’s Six-Region Model and the Life Sciences"

3.6.2024 – Fellow's Talk am IFK, Reichsratsstraße 17, 1010 Vienna ...

27.05.2024 12:15

Vortrag Hans Jörg Rheinberger: Materielle Imagination. Gaston Bachelard und die Künste seiner Zeit

27.05. 2024, 12:15

Ifk Reichsratsstraße 17,1010 Wien




Uses of the Past in Central European Mining

Presentation by Sebastian Felten and Sarah Seinitzer

Bergbaukolloquium Montanuniversität Leoben


Buchpräsentation Nils Güttler: "Nach der Natur. Umwelt und Geschichte am Frankfurter Flughafen"

17.04.2024, 18:30 Historisches Museum Frankfurt


Moderation: Moritz Epple

16. 05....


"Collections and Collecting" Lunchtime Seminar

Veranstaltet von: Brooke Penaloza-Patzak und Jaanika Vider ...


11th ESHS conference

Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 september 2024

We are happy to announce that the 11th ESHS conference will take place in Barcelona (Spain), from 4 to 7...


Vortrag: Brooke Penaloza-Patzak: "Geographic Provinces and Evolutionary Hypotheses, A Nineteenth-century Story" – Critical Dislocations: Art, Geography, Method workshop, eikones

10.5.2024 Center for the Theory and History of Images, University of Basel

