5th Meeting of the Mongol Empire Spring State: By land and by sea

5th Meeting of the Mongol Empire Spring State

By land and by sea. Cultural and Other Networks of Exchange in Mongol Eurasia and Beyond

13. - 14. September 2021


5th Meeting of the Mongol Empire Spring State
By land and by sea. Cultural and Other Networks of Exchange in Mongol Eurasia and Beyond
13. - 14. September 2021
Francesca Fiaschetti, University of Vienna
Stefanos Kordosis, International Hellenic University

Monday 13th September 2021


10.45 - 11:00 | Opening remarks

11.00 - 12.30 | Panel 1

Bruno De Nicola (Austrian Academy of Sciences) – Chair/Discussant

Hadel Jarada (Austrian Academy of Sciences) : “Between Marāgha and the Islamic West”

Tanvir Ahmed (Austrian Academy of Sciences) : ‘The Reins of Power Were in the Hands of the Sheikhs’: The Shaykhī Network (c. 1335 - 1365) and its Ghosts”

Yoichi Isahaya (Hokkaido University) : “Network Cut Off: The Marāgha Observatory and the Tūsī Family”


14:00 - 15:30 | Panel 2

Panos Sophoulis (University of Athens) – Chair/Discussant

Qiu Yihao (Fudan University Shanghai) : “More than Rumors: Remarks on the Anecdotes Relating to the Beginning of the Mongol Epoch”

Georgios Kardaras (National Hellenic Research Foundation) : “Political, Social and Military Aspects of the Mongol Invasions in Poland”

Stefanos Kordosis (International Hellenic University) : “The Western Mongolic World in the Early 18th c.: Dzungars and Kalmyks in V. Vatatzēs’ Periēgētikon (Voyages) and his 1732 Map of Central Asia”

Coffee Break

16.00 - 17.30 | Books presentation

Marie Favereau (Paris Nanterre University) : The Horde: How the Mongols Changed the World

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (Austrian Academy of Sciences) : Der Lange Sommer und die Kleine Eiszeit: Klima, Pandemien und der Wandel der Alten Welt von 500 bis 1500 n. Chr.

Christopher P. Atwood (University of Pennsylvania) : The Rise of the Mongols: Five Chinese Sources

Coffee break


18:00 - 19:30 | Keynote

Lorenzo Pubblici (Santa Reparata International School of Art, Firenze) : “The Mongol Factor in the Development of International Commerce Seen from a Venetian Perspective”


Tuesday 14th September 2021

11.00 - 13.00 | Panel 3

Yakir Paz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) – Chair/Discussant

Jacqueline Armijo (NYU-Shanghai) : “How a Muslim from Bukhara Serving in the Yuan Dynasty Came to Have a Major Impact on Southwest China”

Márton Vér (Göttingen University) : “A less known Cultural Network: Uyghur Literati in the West”

Alexander Osipian (Freie Universität Berlin) : “Facilitating Communication and Cultural Exchange: Armenian Merchant Networks in the Il-Khanid Persia, the Golden Horde and Rus’, 1240s-1440s”

Riccardo Liberati (Oxford University) : “Italians in Ilkhanid Persia. A Reassessment of the Relations between Ilkhanid Princes and Western Merchants”


14:30 - 16:00 | Panel 4

Marie Favereau (Paris Nanterre) – Chair/Discussant

Hiroyuki Nagamine (National Institute of Technology, Oyama College) : “Where was Sarai, the Capital of the Jochid Ulus? New Perspectives for Research on Sarai”

Konstantin Golev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) : “Projection of Power Networks within the Sedentary Periphery of the Golden Horde: a Royal Affair of Medieval Bulgaria”

Szilvia Kovács (University of Szeged) : “Hungarian Franciscans’ Knowledge about the 14th Century Golden Horde”

Coffee Break

16.30 - 18.00 | Panel 5

Yuka Kadoi (University of Vienna) - Chair/Discussant

Francesca Fiaschetti (University of Vienna) : “The Social Life of Things: Commodities and Mongol Policies in Maritime Asia”

Nikolaos Vryzidis and Paschalis Androudis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) : “The Archaeology of Mediation: An Assessment of the Mongol Element in Later Byzantine Art and Material Culture”

Valentina Bruccoleri (Sorbonne University) : “Fragments of the Northern Routes: Chinese Ceramics and the Golden Horde”