“Minority science” in the short 20th century: Imagining science from the margins of academia
Conference of the project Lumina Quaeruntur project “Images of science” in Czechoslovakia 1918-1945-1968
Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Gabčíkova 2362/10, Praha 8, 182 00 & zoom. Registration www.eventbrite.de/e/conference-hybrid-minority-science-in-the-short-20th-century-tickets-511692795927
Thursday, March 30
16:00-19:00 Session I
Oksana Blashkiv: Slavic Studies and/or “minority science”: the case of Dmytro Čyževský
Ekaterina Shashlova: Migrants and new knowledge. Franco-German cultural transfer between the world wars
Maria Silina: Museum practitioners in exile and the creation of Russian-centred narratives in the Soviet Union
Patrick Flack: Roman Jakobson: between Russian Emigration and International Science
Friday, March 31
9:00-12:00 Session II
Natalia Aleksiun:Jewish Physicians and Minority Medicine in the Second Polish Republic
Lara Bonneau: “general Science of art” (die allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft), Emil Utitz, a German-speaking Czech philosopher (1883-1956)
Florian Ruttner: “Religious affiliation: Dissident”. Josef Doppler and the Margins of Academia
Laurens Schlicht: Franziska Baumgarten on Gender Identity, the Values of Science, and the Social Role of Psychology, ca. 1920–1950
13:30-15:00 Session III
Maria Pirogovskaya: Multiple Minority and the Metropolitan Science: One Controversy about Tibetan Studies under Stalin
Filip Herza: Researching Ruthenia: Science on the Margins – Marginals in Science
Michael Wedekind: Interwar Minority Scholarship in South Tyrol
15:30-17:30 Session IV
Kai Johann Willms: Polish-Jewish Sociologists in Interwar Poland and in American Exile
Friedrich Pollack: Empowerment and suppression. Sorbian historiography and the institutionalisation of Sorbian Studies in the GDR
Göktuğ İpek: Being a Leftist Academician in New “Democratic” Turkey After The WWII
Saturday, April 1
9:00-12:00 Session V
Slava Gerovitch:Playing the System: Soviet Mathematicians’ Strategies of Circumvention
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Irina Antoshchuk: Russian-speaking computer scientists in the UK as immigrant minority: revealing unexpected advantages and disadvantages
Elisa Satjukow: At the Margins of History: The German Sonderweg of East and Southeast European Studies after the End of the Cold War”
Tina Magazzini: Romani studies between academic power relations and EU funding: methodological field notes
Conference of the project Lumina Quaeruntur project “Images of science” in Czechoslovakia 1918-1945-1968
Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Gabčíkova 2362/10, Praha 8, 182 00 & zoom. Registration www.eventbrite.de/e/conference-hybrid-minority-science-in-the-short-20th-century-tickets-511692795927
Thursday, March 30
16:00-19:00 Session I
Oksana Blashkiv: Slavic Studies and/or “minority science”: the case of Dmytro Čyževský
Ekaterina Shashlova: Migrants and new knowledge. Franco-German cultural transfer between the world wars
Maria Silina: Museum practitioners in exile and the creation of Russian-centred narratives in the Soviet Union
Patrick Flack: Roman Jakobson: between Russian Emigration and International Science
Friday, March 31
9:00-12:00 Session II
Natalia Aleksiun:Jewish Physicians and Minority Medicine in the Second Polish Republic
Lara Bonneau: “general Science of art” (die allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft), Emil Utitz, a German-speaking Czech philosopher (1883-1956)
Florian Ruttner: “Religious affiliation: Dissident”. Josef Doppler and the Margins of Academia
Laurens Schlicht: Franziska Baumgarten on Gender Identity, the Values of Science, and the Social Role of Psychology, ca. 1920–1950
13:30-15:00 Session III
Maria Pirogovskaya: Multiple Minority and the Metropolitan Science: One Controversy about Tibetan Studies under Stalin
Filip Herza: Researching Ruthenia: Science on the Margins – Marginals in Science
Michael Wedekind: Interwar Minority Scholarship in South Tyrol
15:30-17:30 Session IV
Kai Johann Willms: Polish-Jewish Sociologists in Interwar Poland and in American Exile
Friedrich Pollack: Empowerment and suppression. Sorbian historiography and the institutionalisation of Sorbian Studies in the GDR
Göktuğ İpek: Being a Leftist Academician in New “Democratic” Turkey After The WWII
Saturday, April 1
9:00-12:00 Session V
Slava Gerovitch:Playing the System: Soviet Mathematicians’ Strategies of Circumventionort this AdPri
Irina Antoshchuk: Russian-speaking computer scientists in the UK as immigrant minority: revealing unexpected advantages and disadvantages
Elisa Satjukow: At the Margins of History: The German Sonderweg of East and Southeast European Studies after the End of the Cold War”
Tina Magazzini: Romani studies between academic power relations and EU funding: methodological field notes